A New Season of Scouting is Here!
Welcome to the new Cub Scout Pack 26 web page! We hope you use this page to help plan for upcoming Pack 26 events. Use the menu in the upper right corner of the page to navigate this site.
Upcoming Events
November 3rd at 5:30 - Wolf Den Meeting
November 3rd at 6:00 - Webelos Cast Iron Chef at Scout Hut
November 4th- Fat Beet Farm Tour
November 12th at 10:00 - Arrow of Light Den Meeting at Scout Hut
November 13th at 6:00 - Bear Den Meeting
November 17th - 19th - Frendsgiving at Camp Brorein
All events for the 2023-2024 season can be found on the Calendar of Events page.
George McGough Nature Park Visit
September 2023 Den Meeting
Scouts learned about safety and created decorations for Halloween!
Spook-O-Ree 2023 is Coming!
Register soon as it fills up fast! Make sure to put Pack 26 so that they can group us together. More details when we get closer to the event.
For information about Pack 26, e-mail Pack26Cubs@gmail.com